New Book Release

The Last Dragon: Book Three is now on Amazon Kindle as of 11/15 at:
The Last Dragon: Book Three

     My Beta Readers (the people who catch all my mistakes) also tell me what they would like in the next book, how to resolve issues in the present one, and add their thoughts so the overall end product is becoming more of a community project--with far more scope and ideas than I could ever come up with have my thanks. I read EVERYTHING they say and make the needed changes.

     I can always use more Beta Readers. You don't have to be an English major or need to correct grammar or have any previous skills other than to read and provide feedback before publication. If interested, use my personal email,
     Use the same email for complaints, criticism, suggestions, compliments, or to have me read your book. (No gore, zombies, or smut).

     The act of writing a book should be fun. It takes the writer out of his normal life and his mind enters a strange world that often involves being late for meetings, missing lunch, and being startled when the phone rings. We have to set aside reality and enter whatever alternate universe we are creating today. There are times when I sit and read what I've written earlier in total amazement. I often cannot remember writing lines, creating scenes, or dialogue. It is escapism at it best.



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