The Last Dragon: Book Two

The story got bigger in this book I just published. However, the next book will be told from the viewpoints of two people, in two different locations, and it will answer to some of the lingering questions. One of the interesting aspects of writing in this time period is the research of how things were done. Limited travel, with the average person never moving far from their homes--much like some of my friends in Texas.😀

Food, and seasons. I'm so used to grapes that the idea of them only being available a few weeks of the year is hard to believe. With all of the physical differences, people are people. It is easy to turn them into caricatures, but harder to give the hero failings and fears. To demonstrate emotions instead of saying "he is sad" but instead, "wiped a stray tear without anyone noticing". In short, to like a book, you have to like (or hate) the main character.   

You can find this book, or any of my others at
LeRoy Clary's Author Page


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