And Another Thing . . .

Holidays! Great times with family BUT no writing gets done. Now it's time for a sprint of writing before the next one. I'm doing well on the books I'm working on, but have given up on having anything ready to publish before January. Just to make things more confusing, I'm changing laptops and trying to make the new one look and feel like the old. A smarter person would just accept the differences and fight their way through it. AND THEN--Windows decides to update the whole system so I'm on another PC watching the update (8% done). I have so many great things to put in the book I'm working on and sit here frustrated. If I ever finish the next book, it will be a first draft. Then a rewrite. Then editing followed by Beta reads. Then more edits. It also needs a cover designed. At one time, I thought writing was easy. Windows Update 13% so I'd better end this and watch closer.

I have a couple of great Beta readers, but can use a couple more. If you're interested, or have other comments, good or bad:  


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