My first blog

So, this is more of a test of the new blog program.

My new book Dragon Clan #8 Creed's Story is now published and available to buy. It pulls together much of the last two books and the new character is fun and irreverent. I think it is the best of the series.

While finishing it, I've also been working on a tale of brothers called Cold Knights. One brother is a prince. The other is the illegitimate son of the king and unknown to all. I have it outlined and am enjoying writing the book but it needs a lot of work.

The other is The Last Dragon, which is a book about a dragon (of course) and a servant who can work a little magic. Not much magic because he isn't powerful like a mage, but he can persuade someone to drink to excess and talk too much, or other minor acts that go unrecognized. He is the personal servant of a royal woman his age, and she is devious and adept at palace intrigue. He is more of a scamp.

If anyone has any clever ideas . . . the outline of the book is not complete and I'd love to hear them. 


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