
2030 A.D. Denver

My newest book is out and available on Amazon. It is a post-apocalyptic novel about survival after a natural disaster. Meanwhile, one of my last books, Nine Years After, was picked up (I don't know how or why) by eBookdaily. 23,000 people were notified of it, which is pretty cool! 
This is my best book yet. Feedback from early readers has confirmed my opinion. The book is finally for sale or available from Kindle Unlimited. Despite the angry cover, as usual, there is humor, a few chuckles, and insights. The following link should take you there. Speaking of early readers, I can always use another pair of eyes to look at the manuscripts and help find errors. I find, as most writers do, that editing my books are far harder than writing them--and takes longer. If this idea has any interest, my personal email is leroy.clary@gmail  and I'll answer questions. You don't have to be an editor. Just a reader is more than enough. To Kill A Dragon: Book One eBook : Clary, LeRoy, Clary, Karen: Kindle Store
 A new book is in the final stages and should be published in about two weeks, around October 1st, ebook and paperback. I think this is my best one yet, but that is always the case with each book. My plan is to get better with each, often from the input of readers who tell me what they like--and what they don't. The image above is a low quality pic. The real one is great!  The advance readers have all raved about the story and are already requesting a sequel. We'll see how the real world reacts with sales. Without giving away the plot, I've kept this lighthearted upbeat. Even the bad guys are not so bad. The plot twists are quick, unexpected, and reasonable. No dragons were injured while writing this book.  LeRoy

EMPATH--something different

  Others might call her an influencer but I chose empath. She is not a telepath, cannot read minds, or directly communicate. What she can do is "help" others to make choices. Unknown to them, of course. Vendors offer samples, those with treats share, and she is only beginning to use her empathic power. This book took a long time to write and to get right after several false starts over the years I think all writers have a fistful of earlier work that serves as the outline of future a book. There are several of mine waiting to be finished. I like this one.  I wonder if other writers take the time to be critical as they complete a novel. For me, I think of myself as a storyteller who is trying to improve my writing ability. Each book is better, the characters more bold, the settings more complex. As good as I think this one is, the next will be better.    

Where Have I Been?

It seems like months since I've published my last book or posted here. Well, for a couple of years an idea had been running around inside my head and finally I decided to act upon it. I am almost finished with a book about what happens after a pandemic sweeps across America and only a few survive. But I didn't want to rewrite all the other books on that subject. I needed mine to be different. Besides an interesting main character, I needed a different set of circumstances and of course, twists and turn in the plot. There are many. It took nearly a month to devise one, but I hate to read books when I know where the next chapter is going. My wife made me a beautiful cover and I'll put it below for comments and suggestions. Please, if you have anything to say, don't be shy.  

Dragon Clan, New World book release

After a time-out to write other things, I went back and wrote the beginning of a new series of Dragon Clan books. The timeframe is set well after the first series, the evil Breslau have made good on their war efforts and now rule Princeton. The characters in the new series are older, more mature, the stories more complex. Of course, there are new dangers and enemies. The challenge of writing the first book of the new series was trying to balance information from the first. Going too deeply into the past will bore the readers of the first series--not providing enough information will leave new readers hanging. The references to the earlier series were reviewed and rewritten endlessly, and hopefully it all fits together. The second book of the series if far easier to write. It feels like writing about old friends. I've already had compliments and jeers for the new series, but we'll see where it goes from here.  

The Last Dragon Book Four Released

As of 3/22 the final (for now) book of the Last Dragon series had been published by Kindle. Altogether, almost a half million words and it feels great to have it completed. I think this is the best book of the four, and the best I've written. We've (my wife) also redone the covers of all four books so they are similar--and much improved.