
Showing posts from March, 2018
The Last Dragon is out and from the feedback, people like it. I still need reviews because Amazon displays books to potential buyers based on sales and good reviews. I have not pursued that as much as I should. My beta readers found plenty to correct and they deserve far more credit than they get. Because of them, the horse now has the same name throughout the book, many awkward sentences and typos are missing, and the book is far better. Find the book by going to Amazon and typing my name. The second book in the series was coming along through five chapters . . . then I hit a pivotal problem to resolve and haven't quite figured out how to do it. One takes the book in a direction over there, the other a different one. The problem is, it will change the entire book and perhaps another after this one. So I quit writing the book and moved to a science fiction story I've thought about for some time. After a couple of chapters of working on it, I figured out the answer to The La